Season Tally
Season 1
Sessions: 15
Quests Completed: 14
Deaths: 0
Total Kills: 116
Kills per session: 7.7
Kills per day: .96
Kills per ride: 16
Kills per month: 29
Kills per character: 19
Time adventuring: 120 days of adventuring, 25 in the Outlands/Sigil,
11 on Mount Celestia, 28 days in Realmspace
Travel: 2,766,408 miles by foot, horse and spelljammer, 2 planets,
one asteroid, and three planes including the prime. Average 23,053 miles/day!
Planes Visited: 1, Outlands, Lunia - 1st layer of Mount Celestia
Season 2
Sessions: 19
Quests Completed: 8
Deaths: 3, Shane, Kerith, Cedar
Total Kills: 421
Kills per session: 46.7
Kills per day: 4.8
Kills per ride: 42
Kills per month: 107
Kills per character: 70.16
Time adventuring: 87 days adventuring
Travel: 1071 miles on mount and foot, 1,700 years time travel
Planes Visited: 2, Temporal Prime, Shadow
Season 3
Sessions: 14
Quests Completed: 2
Deaths: 3, Oskar, Shane and Kerith
Total Kills: 150
Kills per session: 10.7
Kills per day: 2.8
Kills per ride: 30
Kills per month: 75
Kills per character: 25
Time adventuring: 58 days adventuring
Travel: 968 miles on mount and foot and spell, less than one mile
back and forth in the Underdark.
Planes Visited: 1, Plane of Mirrors