Little is known and less is understood about the reptilian denizens
of Black Marsh. Years of defending their borders have made the Argonians
experts in guerilla warfare, and their natural abilities make them equally
at home in water and on land. They are well-suited for the treacherous
swamps of their homeland, and have developed natural immunities to the
diseases and poisons that have doomed many would-be explorers into the
region. Their seemingly expressionless faces belie a calm intelligence,
and many Argonians are well-versed in the magical arts. Others rely
on stealth or steel to survive, and their natural agility makes them
adept at either.
Personality: They are, in general, a reserved people, slow to
trust and hard to know. Yet, they are fiercely loyal, and will fight
to the death for those they have named as friends.
Physical Description: Argonians have scaly skin that varies in
color depending on their age. They also have tails, which helps them
swim and balance better than most other races. Argonians stand between
5 and a little over 5 1/2 feet tall and weigh from 100 to 175 pounds.
They can live to be 75 years old.
Relations: Since the abolishment of slavery, Argonians have become
friendlier towards the Dunmer of Morrowind, though Argonians still find
all other races untrustworthy.
Alignment: N.
Argonian Lands: To the ignorant, it is often referred to as the
Black Marsh. But any Argonian would know that its homeland is called
Argonia. It is located south of Morrowind and southeast of Cyrodiil.
A vast swamp of unwavering trees surrounded by poisonous water and gases
has made it difficult for any non-Argonian to survive for very long
in the Black Marsh. Though there were once tribes of men Kothringi,
Orma, Yerpest, Horwalli- and tribes of mer the Barsaebic Ayleids
and the Cantemiric Velothi- and a tribe of Lilmothiit, who may have
been related to the Khajiit of Elsweyr. Its northwestern two cities
Stormhold and Gideon- were originally built by the Ayleids, though
their true Ayleid names are unknown. The southern coastal regions where
inhabited by the Lilmothiit, and the present-day cities of Archon, Arnesia,
and Thorn where settled by the Black Marsh elves.
Male Names: Bim-Seel, Gold-Heart, Beem-Ja, Raven-Biter, Huleenapa,
Putos, Hanei, Beeleez-Ra, Jush-Meeus.
Female Names: Ereek-Wa, Silver-Tail, Amuh-An, Fin-Singer, Chud-Ei,
Ten-Tongues, Aleen, Chank-Neeus, Wana, Duh-Ja.
Adventurers: Argonians seldom leave their safety of the Black
Marsh, but when they do, it is usually out of wanderlust.
+2 Dexterity
and Wisdom, -2 Charisma
+2 Open Lock,
Swim, Balance, and Alchemy Skills
Immune to poison
+4 on Fortitude
saves against diseases.
Water Breathing
Automatic Languages:
Tamrielic and Argonian. Bonus Languages: Dunmer, Khajiit, and Bosmer.
Level Adjustment
Favored Class:
Any (Decide at 1st level)
Khajiit hail from the province of Elsweyr and Khajiit of all breeds
have a weakness for sweets, especially the drugs known as skooma and
moonsugar. Many Khajiit disdain weapons in favor of their natural claws.
They make excellent thieves due to their natural agility and unmatched
acrobatics ability. Many Khajiit are also warriors, although this is
less common among the suthay-raht.
Personality: The Khajiit are a race filled with curiosity and
a love of Elsweyr with stories that often surprise other races.
Physical Description: Khajiit can vary in appearance from the nearly
Elven Ohmes-Raht to the Cathay-Raht "jaguar men" to the great
Senche-Tiger. The most common breed found in Morrowind, the Suthay-Raht,
is intelligent, quick, and agile. No matter what type of Khajiit, they
will always have fur and a tail. They are often as tall as Argonians
and weigh the same amount too. Khajiit often live to be 70 years old.
Relations: The Khajiit are always having wars with the Bosmer
of Valenwood and have rebelled against the Imperials of the Cyrodiilic
and the Septim Empires. Other than that, the Khajiit are on good terms
with most races.
Alignment: CN.
Khajiit Lands: Their home is the land of Elsweyr which is located
south of Cyrodiil and east of Valenwood. In the north, it is a hostile,
arid land dotted with sand dunes and oasis, while in the south lays
the Tenmar Forest. Its cities include Riverhold, Dune, Orcrest, and
Rimmen in the north, the skooma-trade cities of Corinthe and Torval
in the middle, and the harbor city of Senchal in the south.
Male Names: Razhin-Dar, Rajarr, Srasha, Rafarruk,
Majhad, Rizaym, Ramathra, Kharjo, Qa-Dar.
Female Names: Hareya, Nisha, Roshira, Tsamusa, Svana, Bashi,
Ziniira, Awassi, Shavari, Urijoshi.
Adventurers: Taking up the life of an adventurer is easy for
a Khajiit. Whether it is for drug money or out of curiosity, they will
most likely adapt very quickly.
+2 Dexterity
and Intelligence, -2 Constitution and Wisdom
Claws (2) Damage:
+2 Jump, Move
Silently, Spot, Listen, and Hide Skills
Dark Vision 60ft
Automatic Languages:
Tamrielic and Khajiit. Bonus Languages: Bosmer and Argonian
Favored Class:
The Orcs of Tamriel are noted for their unshakeable courage in war and
their unflinching endurance of hardships. Orcish armorers are prized
for their craftsmanship, and Orc warriors in heavy armor are among the
finest front-line troops in the Empire.
Personality: Their ways may look rough, cruel, or uncivilized
to you and I, but there is much to admire in their fierce tribal loyalties
and generous equality of rank and respect among the sexes.
Physical Description: The Orsimer or Orcs are proto-elves, or
Aldmer, warped by the destruction of their leader Trinimac, who it is
said became the Daedra Prince Malacath. They have greenish pigmentation,
sloping forehead, prominent teeth and can stand from 5 to 6 feet tall
and weigh between 150 to 275 pounds due to their muscles. Orsimer usually
live to be 60 years old.
Relations: In the past, Orcs have been widely feared and hated
by the other nations and races of Tamriel, but they have slowly won
acceptance in the Empire, in particular for their distinguished service
in the Emperor's Legions. Only recently have the Orcs allied themselves
with the Bretons after age old wars.
Alignment: LN.
Orc Lands: Their homeland lays in the Wrothgarian and Dragontail
Mountains located in the middle High Rock and north of Hammerfell. It
is known as Orsinium. Having no real cities, the Orcs have formed many
tribes in the mountains.
Male Names: Borzol gro-Olug, Burgat gro-Narzul, Sharag gro-Ghash,
Kharag gro-Shurkul, Shugak gro-Aruk, Durgub gro-Argumu, Yag gro-Gamul,
Shag gro-Ghola, Rugdu gro-Ogrush, Lumbur gro-Marag.
Female Names: Bamug gra-Ghoth, Magdush gra-Snarkum, Morga gra-Nar,
Yadbag gra-Grazob, Murga gra-Shag, Snag gra-Oluk, Kharag gra-Namor,
Gramat gra-Bolarz, Lurz gra-Shatul, Narzush gra-Uzgak.
Adventurers: Most Orcs go adventuring it is usually because they
want show their courage or to prove themselves to their tribe.
+2 Wisdom
and Constitution, -2 Charisma and Dexterity
+2 Craft, Intimidate,
and Appraise Skills
Rage 1/day
Spell Resistance
Automatic Languages:
Tamrielic and Orcish. Bonus Languages: Any, except for Daedric.
Favored Class:
(Dark Elf)
Dark Elves are the dark-skinned Elven peoples of the Eastern Empire.
"Dark" is variously understood to mean "dark-skinned,"
"gloomy," and "ill-favored by fate." The Dunmer
and their national character embrace these various connotations with
enthusiasm. In the Empire, "Dark Elves" is the common usage,
but in their Morrowind homeland, and among their Aldmeri brethren, they
call themselves the "Dunmer". They combine a powerful intellect
with strong and agile physiques, producing superior warriors and sorcerers.
On the battlefield, Dark Elves are noted for their skilled and balanced
integration of swordsmen, marksmen, and war wizards.
Personality: Dunmer, in short, are grim, aloof, and reserved.
Physical Description: The Dunmer are dark skinned and red-eyed. They
usually stand between just over 5 to a little over 5 ½ feet tall
weighing from 100 to 180 pounds. Dunmer usually live to be 85 years
Relations: The Dunmer are distrusting and disdainful of all other
races. They have had continuous border disputes with the Nords of Skyrim
and skirmish battles with Argonians to the south.
Alignment: N.
Dunmer Lands: Previously it was named Resdayn, Veloth, Dwemereth,
and Dunmereth, but for the last two Eras it has been called Morrowind.
It is the home of the Chimer and was home to the lost Elven tribe called
the Dwemer (often called Dwarves by the ignorant) who were killed of
to extinction in The War of the First Council that took place at Red
Mountain in the middle of Vvardenfell. In that battle, Nerevar of the
Chimer and the last of the Dwemer were successful in routing the Nords
from their land and created the First Council. The battle left the Dwemer
extinct and turned the skin of the Chimer grey and their eyes fire-red.
They would henceforth be known as the Dunmer of Morrowind. Morrowinds
major cities are Blacklight, Sadrith Mora, Aldruhn, Balmora, Vivec,
Necrom, Narsis, Tear, and Mournhold being its capital. Morrowind is
located north of Argonia, north east of Cyrodiil, and east of Skyrim.
Male Names: Ralas Hlaalu, Baltis Llervu, Sarel Velandas, Galvon
Redoran, Endar Telvanni, Neven Hlaram, Arvas Drevan, Taras Verano, Rilen
Indoran, Redras Sethran.
Female Names: Llathala Alor, Dravona Ralas, Tilse Areleth, Melisi
Daren, Varona Nelas, Voldsea Giryon, Brevasu Heran, Monesa Salen, Davilia
Arvel, Aranea Drethan.
Adventurers: Dunmer find themselves drawn to strange careers
and unusual company. Taking up the life of an adventurer comes easily
to many of them.
+2 Dexterity,
-2 Wisdom and Charisma
+2 Spellcraft,
Scry and Balance Skills
Fire DR 10
Automatic Languages:
Tamrielic and Dunmer. Bonus Languages: Dwemer, Argonian, Bosmer,
Khajiit, and Daedric.
Favored Class:
Ranger or Fighter (Decide at 1st level)
(High Elf)
In Imperial speech, the haughty, tall, golden-skinned peoples of Summerset
Isle are called "High Elves," but they call themselves the
"Altmer," or the "Cultured People." In the Empire,
"High" is often understood to mean "tall," "proud,"
or "snobbish." The common tongue of the Empire, Tamrielic,
is based on Altmer speech and writing, and most of the Empire's arts,
crafts, and sciences are derived from High Elven traditions. Deft, intelligent,
and strong-willed, High Elves are often gifted in the arcane arts, and
High Elves boast that their sublime physical natures make them far more
resistant to disease than the "lesser races."
Personality: Altmer are often snobbish and self-centered and
consider themselves to be the most civilized culture of Tamriel. However,
the High Elf's smug self-assurance of his superiority can be hard to
bear for those of other races.
Physical Description: The Altmer Have golden skin and are the
tallest of all the mer. They stand between 6 and almost 7 feet tall
and can weigh between 100 to 175 pounds. They can live till the age
of 90.
Relations: The Altmer are not currently at peace with everyone,
and are pestering the Bosmer and their borders.
Alignment: LN.
Altmer Lands: The Altmer homeland is the island of Summerset
Isle which is located southwest of continental Tamriel. Its major cities
are Firsthold, Lillandril, Cloudrest, Skywatch, Shimmerene, Alinor,
Sunhold, and Dusk.
Male Names: Erandur, Sinderion, Aicantar, Nerien, Valmir, Nelacar,
Naarifin, Sanyon, Faramel.
Female Names: Faire, Aste, Nenya, Alanwe, Aranande, Nuralanya,
Elenwen, Nirya, Essalma, Fistelle.
Adventurers: Most Altmer normally only go adventuring to enhance
their spell casting ability.
+2 Intelligence
and Charisma, -2 Strength
+2 Alchemy,
Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device Skills
to fire, cold, and electricity DR -5
+4 racial bonus
on saving throws against diseases.
Automatic Languages:
Tamrielic. Bonus Languages: Any, except for Dwemer.
Favored Class:
Wizard or Sorcerer (Decide at 1st level)
(Wood Elf)
The Wood Elves are the various barbarian Elven clanfolk of the Western
Valenwood forests. In the Empire, they are collectively referred to
as "Wood Elves," but "Bosmer," or "the Tree-Sap
People," is what they call themselves. "Tree-Sap" suggests
the wild vitality and youthful energy of Wood Elves, in contrast with
their more dour cousins, the Altmer and Dunmer. Because of their curious
natures and natural agility, Wood Elves are especially suitable as scouts,
agents, and thieves. But most of all, the Wood Elves are known for their
skills with bows; there are no finer archers in all of Tamriel.
Personality: Bosmer reject the stiff, formal traditions of Aldmeri
high culture, preferring a romantic, simple existence in harmony with
the land, its wild beauty and wild creatures.
Physical Description: These country cousins of the High Elves
and Dark Elves are nimble and quick in body and wit. Bosmer stand between
5 and 5 1/2 feet tall and weigh around 80 to 160 pounds. Bosmer can
live to be 75 years old.
Relations: The Bosmer and Khajiit have been fighting over land
and recently the Altmer have joined in the fray but have no quarrels
with any other race.
Alignment: CN.
Bosmer Lands: The Bosmer province called Valenwood and is home
to some of the largest trees in all of Tamriel. It is located south
of Hammerfell and west of Elsweyr. Valenwood suffers from lack of a
stable government and is considered by most to be a mere geographical
designation without any political purpose. If there is honor or pride,
it is with ones own family or clan. National feeling, never strong,
seems to have died. Valenwood appears to be adrift. Its major cities
are Arenthia, Falinesti, Silvenar, Woodheart, Elden Root, Greenheart,
Southpoint, and Haven.
Male Names: Eginor, Thrangor, Aranarth, Thoron, Aragorm, Bregor,
Aradroth, Gelebor, Amlolas, Edhelas.
Female Names: Carwen, Adanrel, Taragail, Idrolian, Brathel, Celwaen,
Elthin, Rilian, Adanael, Iverfin.
Adventurers: Bosmer mainly become adventurers because they seek
riches of the shiny kind.
+2 Dexterity,
-2 Strength
+2 Move Silently,
Open Lock, and Search Skills
+4 racial bonus
on saving throws against diseases.
Automatic Languages:
Tamrielic and Bosmer. Bonus Languages: Khajiit, Argonian and Altmer.
Favored Class:
Rogue or Ranger (Decide at 1st level)
Bretons feel an inborn, instinctive bond with the mercurial forces of
magic and the supernatural. Many great sorcerers have come out of their
home province of High Rock, and in addition to their quick and perceptive
grasp of spellcraft, enchantment, and alchemy, even the humblest of
Bretons can boast a high resistance to destructive and dominating magical
Personality: Bretons may be less fearsome than there Nordic brothers
to the east but they respect the Empire perhaps a bit more than their
tribal neighbors. They are often thought of as passionate, eccentric,
poetic, flamboyant, intelligent and willful.
Physical Description: Bretons are the offspring of the first
elves (Aldmer) and the first humans (Nedic) to come to Tamriel. Bretons
are not as hardy as any of the other humans, most likely because of
Aldmeri blood in them. Most Bretons stand between 5 and 5 1/2 feet tall
and usually weigh 95 to 190 pounds. They can live until the age of 90.
Relations: The Bretons are currently at peace with all other
races, the most recent being the Orsimer in the middle of their lands.
They respect and obey the Empire. The only wars the Bretons have ever
had were with the Orsimer, but a peace treaty was quickly made between
the two races.
Alignment: NG.
Breton Lands: Lying in northwestern Tamriel is the rolling hills
and beautiful countryside called High Rock. It is located north of Hammerfell
and west of Skyrim. Its major cities are Daggerfall, Wayrest, and Camlorn
to the south, Sharnhelm and Northpoint in the mid-north, Evermor to
the east, leaving Farrun and Jehanna in the northeast.
Male Names: Etienne Rarnis, Claude Ernard, Serge Arcole, Casamir
Lirian, Mathias Etienne, Alain Yncan, Arcady Donat, Albert Jerick, Ceasr
Branck, Adam Lanier.
Female Names: Eloise Brigette, Elisa Marie, Babette Vien, Arielle
Jurard, Veronique Etanne, Yolande Farielle, Alison Derre, Elvira Geline,
Anya Herrick, Therese Errard.
Adventurers: Breton adventurers are often seeking out ways to
enhance or show off their magical skills.
+2 Intelligence
and Wisdom, -2 Constitution
+2 Alchemy, Concentration,
and Spellcraft Skills
Spell Resistance
Language: Tamrielic. Bonus Languages: Any
Favored Class:
Cleric or Wizard (Decide at 1st level)
Natives of the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil, the Imperials
are well-educated and well-spoken. Imperials are also known for the
discipline and training of their citizen armies. Though physically less
imposing than the other races, the Imperials remarkable skill
and training as light infantry have enabled them to subdue all the other
nations and races and have erected peace and prosperity throughout the
Glorious Empire.
Personality: Imperials have proved to be shrewd diplomats and
traders, using their brains more than their brawn, which has helped
them conquer the entire continent.
Physical Description: Imperials are not as strong or as keen
to magic as some other races. They usually weigh from 120 to 240 pounds
and stand from 5 to almost 6 feet tall, typically living until the age
of 70.
Relations: Imperials get along well with most races considering
that they rule over them all. They may be a little less compassionate
towards the beast races because of all the trouble they have given them.
Alignment: LG to LN.
Imperial Lands: Though their Empire spans across the entire continent,
their homeland lies in the heart of it all. They are surrounded on all
sides by those they rule. The land is called Cyrodiil, its capital being
the round-walled Imperial City. Its other major cities are Chorrol,
Bruma, and Cheydinhal in the north, Anvil, Kvatch, and Skingrad in the
west, with Bravil and Leyawiin in the south.
Male Names: Hastrel Jarol, Gerich Moslin, Wariel Ritch, Jesan
Genald, Carody Marillin, Serverus Victrix, Bassus Modius, Octavian Gratus,
Curio Avellan, Clemens Vivio.
Female Names: Alessia Armus, Olana Jarich, Ruma Cavain, Jena
Trossan, Aliana Lane, Salonia Viria, Narcissa Fausta, Una Armina, Lucia
Axia, Cristina Nepia.
Adventurers: Imperials go out to adventure in the lands for many
reasons, usually for prestige and riches. Success as an adventurer in
the south is very unlikely, especially in Argonia, if disease doesnt
kill you first, the creatures (not necessarily Argonians) will.
+2 Constitution
and Charisma, -2 Dexterity and Wisdom
+2 Bluff, Diplomacy,
and Gather Information Skills
Language: Tamrielic. Bonus Languages: Any
Class: Any (Decide at 1st level)
The citizens of Skyrim are a tall and fair-haired people. Skilled sailors,
Nords can be found in seaports and settlements along all the coasts
and rivers of Tamriel. Strong, stubborn, and hardy, Nords are famous
for their resistance to cold, even magical frost. Nords of all classes
are skilled with a variety of weapon and armor styles, and they cheerfully
face battle with an ecstatic ferocity that shocks and appalls their
Personality: The Nords are aggressive and fearless in war, industrious
and enterprising in trade and exploration. Violence is an accepted and
comfortable aspect of Nord culture.
Physical Description: Tall, strong, and fair haired are the Nords.
They usually stand 5 to over 6 feet tall and weigh 125 to 250 pounds.
Nords can live to be 65 years old.
Relations: Nords do not get along well with any of the races
because too many battle were fought defending their land only to be
forced into the Septim Empire and made to help and trade with the other
Alignment: CN.
Nord Lands: The Nordic home of Skyrim is the northern most of
the providences. It is also home to some of the most breath-taking beauty
and mountains with lethal winters. Skyrim is located north of Cyrodiil,
east of High Rock, west of Morrowind, and northeast of Hammerfell. Its
major cities are Solitude, Dawnstar, Winter Hold, Windhelm, Markarth
Side, Whiterun, Falkreath, and Riften.
Male Names: Hans Hard-Hands, Rikard the Reader, Vilfred, Henrik
the Harrier, Broder the Black, Erich, Mikkel the Wanderer, Peter, Axel,
Eric Snowmane.
Female Names: Jonna the Wild, Gertrude Weather-Cock, Britte,
Tilde the Fair Rikke Hearth-Healer, Charlotte, Karoline, Agna Greycloak,
Rebekka, Mia the Lean.
Adventurers: Most Nord adventurers will find a life of violence
and aggression, even if they arent looking for it.
+2 Strength,
-2 Intelligence and Charisma
+2 Intuit Direction,
Intimidation, and Survival Skills
Cold DR
Automatic Language:
Tamrielic. Bonus Languages: Any, except for Daedric.
Class: Fighter or Barbarian (Decide at 1st level)
The most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel, the dark-skinned, wiry-haired
Redguards of Hammerfell seem more suitable as scouts or skirmishers,
or as free-ranging heroes and adventurers, than as rank-and-file soldiers,
in addition to their cultural affinities for many weapon and armor styles.
Personality: Redguards have a fierce independence of spirit that
makes them seem born for battle.
Physical Description: Redguards are physically blessed with hardy
constitutions and quickness of foot. They can stand 5 to just over 6
feet tall and weigh 125 to 250 pounds. Redguards normally live to the
age of 70.
Relations: The Redguards were once enemies with the Bretons until
the Orsimer showed up. They then united with the Bretons to subdue their
enemy, but then the Empire conquered everyone and made peace with all
the land forcing the Redguards to make peace with the Orcs and Bretons.
Alignment: CG.
Redguard Lands: Their home country is called Hammerfell, a desert
land. It is located south of High Rock and west of Skyrim and Cyrodiil.
Before their arrival to Tamriel, Hammerfell was called Hegathe (the
capital of Hammerfell) by the Aldmer (not Altmer), and Deathland by
the Nedic people. The two names roughly mean the same thing. Dragonstar,
Skaven, Elinhir, Sentinel, Hegathe, Gilane, Taneth, Rihad, and Stros
MKai are all major cities of Hammerfell. The Redguards may be
excellent warriors and unmatched at guerrilla warfare, but they lack
the cohesiveness to form effective armies.
Male Names: Carlos, Andre, Jaleel, Cyrus, Kurt, Marcus, Amal,
Brandon, Tyree, Travis.
Female Names: Nichole, Sierra, Rashida, Briana, Angelie, Tasha,
Relah, Tamma, Olena.
Adventurers: Redguard adventurers are often successful as warriors
and fighters, normally choosing their own path instead of following
someone elses.
+2 Strength
and Constitution, -2 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity
+2 Climb, Spot,
and Swim Skills
+4 racial bonus
on saving throws against disease and poison.
Automatic Language:
Tamrielic. Bonus Languages: Any except for Dwemer and Daedric.
Favored Class: