A Comic Quest for Wealth, Power,
and all that Other Good Stuff...

Ever wanted to play a less serious game? Ever thought up a zany character but didn't have a game to place him in? Ever found a great but goofy miniature and always wanted to use it in-game? YOUR TIME HAS COME!

Snarf’s world is one where there are just as many "critter" races of anthropomorphic humanoids as there are humans, elves, and the like. It’s a place in which wizards time-travel to gain knowledge of advanced technology (or occasionally motorcycles and light beer). It’s a place where every lady is beautiful, every quest takes strange turns, and heroes come in all sizes. Even without the specifics of Snarf’s world, this book can be used as a way to introduce more humor into a fantasy d20 System campaign. A light-hearted adventure or silly quest provides a nice break from the usual gritty storylines, and make serious, epic plots seem more important by breaking the dramatic tension with the occasional comedy episode.

Full knowledge of the world (or even a complete map!) are still many centuries away. This is a young world, largely uncivilized. Vast tracts of untamed wilderness lie between isolated communities and small city-states. Humans are only one race among dozens, and hold no greater power than elves, zeetvahs, or almeers. Powerful wizards pursue magical research in remote towers while druids gain power in hidden stone circles. Wild animals and savage monsters own the wilderness, which is crossed only in large groups or by brave (and not-so-brave) adventurers.

YE OLD YOUNG LANDS - Now in CC3 full color format!


Telerie And Snarf

One of the many characters of the Young Lands

SnarfQuest, the book - a collection of comic strips that inspired the role-playing game.

All images created by Larry Elmore. Check out more of Larry Elmore's fabulous art at the website below:

Larry Elmore's Official Site

SnarfQuest Wikipedia